Well today I am very happy to welcome you all to my 2nd stop on the Daughters of the Sea Blog Tour!! Earlier this week I had the great pleasure of reviewing Forsaken book #1 in the series, you can see that post by clicking on the title of the book. And today I am really excited to welcome the great author of this wonderful series, that I have to say has quickly won my heart; Kristen Day!!
So I will turn my blog over to her and let her tell you the story behind her soundtrack for Forsaken, enjoy it, I know I did!
Like most authors, music has a profound effect on my writing
process and creative juices but not in the traditional sense. I don’t listen to music while neither
writing, nor do I base any characters on the bands or musicians that I fangirl
over. For me music is much more sacred;
its purpose stronger than any other influence vying for my attention. Music is my portal.
entire life music has been my safe place.
A place I could fade into and lose myself. As someone who has seen the perilous evil this
world has to offer, I needed that place to make sense of my pain, my anger, my
hatred, and my sorrow. It was there that
I could allow those feelings to emerge and be contained. It was there that I learned how truly
devastating the effects of darkness can be.
But it was also there that I turned that pain into strength.
the years I’ve had several musicians that gave me that secret world to
disappear into, but Evanescence and Sarah McLachlan are the main two. Now I use those same songs as a tool - to
take me back to how I felt. With my mind
and heart immersed in that world of emotions, I can channel them into my
characters and allow them to come to life through their words. So, I want you to open up your heart and
allow yourself to fall away into the soundtrack I’ve chosen for Forsaken. Each song brings to mind a certain scene in
the book and conjures the feelings swirling within Stasia - good and bad. See if you can match the song to the scene,
or better yet, just listen and enjoy your musical journey through the world of
About the Author

I am a southern belle at heart with a crazy streak that desperately tries to escape at every opportunity. I love all things nostalgic, rustic, and quirky. I've been told I see the world through rose-colored glasses, but I prefer to think of them as kaleidoscope glasses - swirling and morphing reality into something I can digest (who hasn't pretended those pasty lima beans were really kiwi strawberry jelly beans?).
I am the author of the DAUGHTERS OF THE SEA trilogy, which includes FORSAKEN, AWAKEN, and CHOSEN (Winter 2012). I love all books, but really enjoy writing young adult, paranormal romances. I've loved to write for as long as I can remember. My first published work was my poem RED in second grade (you guessed it - it was a poem about the color red - life altering, I know) that won me 5 gold stars and a spot in my elementary school's poetry book. That's when my addiction to the written word officially began. I was the only kid in fifth grade that actually enjoyed diagramming sentences. Go ahead and laugh – it’s okay.
When I'm not writing I'm making jewelry, painting, drinking sweet tea, watching the discovery channel, or going on random adventures in the mountains of North Carolina with my amazing husband. I graduated from Appalachian State University and dream of becoming a full time novelist.
Stalk Her: Website | Twitter | Goodreads
It's a Giveaway!!
Author is giving away:
A Finn necklace
Assorted swag made by Cassie’s Crafty Creations
An ebook set of the entire trilogy
Signed paperback set of the entire trilogy
Great guest post. I haven't listened to Sarah McLachlan for years but I used to love her. There's something simplistic, beautiful, haunting, and comforting about her voice all at the same time.