EEP! It's Cover Reveal Time! Today I am super excited to share with you the cover of Victoria Scott's up and coming teen thriller. I am so happy to be a part of Victoria Scott's VMafia family and be able to share this exciting moment with all of you. Now here is the best part.......the Cover! Just look at it.
Book Info-
Title: Fire & Flood
Author: Victoria Scott
Expected Publication: March 2014
Publisher: Scholastic
Book Blurb
In a perilous race across the world, having the best Pandora can be the difference between life and death.Find it: Website | Goodreads
Sixteen-year-old Tella Holloway isn’t happy. Her mother rushed them out of Boston and into a craptastic house nestled in Middle of Nowhere, Montana. To make matters worse, Tella’s brother is sick, and though a dozen doctors can’t determine the cause, her mother is sure Montana’s “fresh air” will help. Now Tella spends her days being homeschooled, and uses her imagination as entertainment.
But when a small blue box appears on her bed, Tella’s world is rocked. Inside the strange package she finds a white ear bud—and after she fits it into place and touches its blinking button—an unknown voice fills her head. Tella is invited to join the Brimstone Bleed, a race across four ecosystems: desert, sea, mountains, jungle. The voice in Tella’s ear explains she has 48 hours to retrieve her Pandora, an animal genetically designed to help her win.
Tella has never been the sporty type; she’s more a cheerleader than an athlete. But despite her mother’s warnings, she’s determined to compete in the race. And she’ll do anything to win, because if Tella is the Brimstone Bleed victor, she'll be granted a specific gift—the cure to save her brother’s life.
FIRE & FLOOD is a teen thriller set in modern day.
Did you see that cover? Wow! I love it. It seems so simple, yet it is so intriguing. It almost looks as if the feather is popping off of the cover. The cover just whispers at the thrill that waits inside.
About the Author-

I’m a teen fiction writer with a die-hard affection for dark and humorous books. My work is represented by Sara Crowe of Harvey Klinger literary agency. I have a master’s degree in marketing, and currently live in Dallas with my husband, Ryan.Find Her: Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

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