Monday, February 8, 2016

Cover Reveal: The Rise of Genesis by M.R. Merrick

Long time no see... what brings me out of the woodwork you ask?? Well, today I have come out of the shadows to shout from the rooftops that my favorite author, M.R. Merrick has a new release coming!!!! That's right... a new book! And today I get to share the cover with you. And let me just say that the cover has me even more excited about this new book. But you don't have to take my word for it. What do you think?

Releases March 15, 2016!!

Sorry I'm shouting, but that cover is freaking amazing! 

In a world where being Supernatural means you’re in danger, Ash Lawson is front and center. After years of helping others escape ATOM—a government entity known for abusing Supernaturals—he’s captured, and saving himself will prove to be the most difficult task he’s undertaken.

Tryst Rivera is a Succubus and veteran at the Academy, a facility tasked with converting underage Supernaturals into cooperative ATOM soldiers. She’s endured her time mostly unscathed, but when Ash arrives and their lives are tethered to one another, she’s placed in immediate danger.

With escape at the forefront of his mind, Ash struggles with the idea of life under ATOM’s thumb. He’ll die before he converts, but his life isn’t the only one he’s responsible for, and he already has more blood on his hands than he can bear. When a chance for freedom arises, Ash needs to decide how much—and who—he’s willing to risk for a second chance.

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for this book. But I can tell you that I will be one of the first people to purchase and read the book.

About the Author~
M.R. Merrick is a Canadian writer and author of The Protector Series, and The Rise of Genesis. Having never traveled, he adventures to far off lands through his imagination and in between cups of coffee. As a music lover and proud breakfast enthusiast, he's usually found at the computer between a pair of headphones and a large bowl of cereal.

Find the Him: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Everlost (Night Watchmen #3) by Candace Knoebel {Review}

All of you know that I have a lot of favorite authors and a lot of favorite series. Who doesn't. But I don't think I've had a series hit me like this one in quite a while. I was very fortunate to receive a copy of Everlost before it was released and was completely blown away. Stick around and find out why in my review.

*Received a free copy in exchange for an honest review

Everlost (Night Watchmen, #3) by Candace Knoebel
Genre: Paranormal Romance...

One truth will unravel them all.

Faye Middleton thought the worst had come to pass the night she and her friends barely escaped from Ethryeal City and the clutches of the evil Priestess Clara. Officially shunned from the Coven, Faye is forced to lay low in order to come up with a plan to bring Clara down.

At Jaxen's childhood manor, they were supposed to be safe from any outside issues, and they were… until his long-lost mother shows up. Determined to win back what she lost so long ago, Evangeline reveals a secret that could shatter their beliefs, or be their saving grace.

Now, with two Covens searching for Faye, they must find a way to start over. With the help of the Rebellion, they begin the arduous task of forming their own army. However, the choices they are faced with leave them questioning everything they've ever known. 

Helpful Links: Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Goodreads

My Review~

There are many number of reasons we read. Many reasons a book stays with you. There are books that hold your attention, take you on far away adventures, and show you endless love. But then there are books that grab your heart and soul and make you live there. If only for a moment you are a part of that great story. For hours, you are the hero, villain, lover... you are everything. You are the story. 

Everlost and the world of the Night Watchmen is one of those books. It has been a while since a story has grabbed a hold of my heart like the one of Faye and Jaxen. Everything about their story bleeds pain, struggle, and war. But through it all they push through with hope and love. They keep strong with the knowledge of who they are and what they stand for. And use that to rally against an evil that will bring their world to its knees. 

In Everlost, secrets threaten to break their already weak shields, but in the end it is their sheer perseverance that keeps them going. That keeps their head above water and from sinking into despair. When you are the enemy of the world, it is hard to be the fighter you want to be.

But that's what everyone in this story is... a fighter. Strengthened by his or her inner and outer demons. For many their differences break them, but with the characters of Everlost it is their differences that make them fierce.

Faye, strong, powerful beyond words and the only one of her kind. She is destined to be killed by her love and to bring hell on earth. Yet she's also the only one who can stop it. Sure there are times when the weight of who she is makes her want to crumble, but in the end she pushes through all the bad and uses it as a strength. Ok, sometimes, it bites her in the butt, more like mostly, but she never gives up, and that's a strength in my book.

Jaxen, who is cursed to never love, for fear of losing her, is a soldier through and through and will give his life for the cause. He's a dark outer shell with a sweet chocolate middle that can only be unlocked by the one who holds his heart. 

Weldon, who defies the odds with his very existence. Is the very definition of strength and perseverance. And is deep down just another misfit using his differences as a show of strength. 

So many of Candace Knoebel's characters are riddled with pain, loss, and struggle, yet manage to fight on. Each character riddled with the hurt of their past and held together by the hope of their future. 

In Everlost we meet new characters and receive new hope just as it is all taken away from us again. Everyone we have grown to know and love is in for a fight that very well could kill them all. Candace Knoebel certainly knows how to toy with your heart. I wish I could tell you all that happens in this book, explode with the perfect words to make you read this incredible series if you haven't already, but there really are no words for a book that lives on long after the words cease. 

All I can say is this. Everlost is beautiful and climatic in a hauntingly exquisite way. Long after you close the book Faye and Jaxen will nuzzle their way into your thoughts and heart and continue to haunt you until the next story unfolds. Each time they will grip your heart in hope, loss, fear, excitement, and love. And each time you will thank them for the ride. Each time you will be taken closer to the edge of all that the world of the Night Watchmen has to offer, where you will go mad with the desire to know the rest of the story. You will scream out in agony as your favorite characters are tortured, battled, and broken. You will ooh and awe as your favorites find love, push through darkness, and find hope. Then you will curse the skies when you are left without knowing all that there is to know, but in the end you will beg for more.

It will be torture of the sweetest kind. Torture that gives you just enough to placate you until the next installment, but enough to drive you mad with the unknown. Candace Knoebel is a genius. But I beg you, please Candace Knoebel don't let my torture last too long and deliver the next installment before my heart leaps out of my chest. I have to know what fate lies ahead for characters that have stolen my heart. 

The Night Watchmen is a series that I will constantly shout out to people when they ask for that next book recommendation. It is the epitome of what a book should be. Whatever that is for you, this is it. Everlost and its world of the Night Watchmen will deliver. 

Plus there's Jaxen Gramm!!! That is the best reason to read this book, HAWT DAMN! Yes, he is a reason. Trust me, meet him for yourself and you will ask me to write my entire review with his name.

So do yourself a favor... go out and start this series if you haven't already. And if you have, then read Everlost.

There are many beautifully written lines in this book, but one of my favorites is this...
"Hope is torn between two lovers--satisfaction and disappointment. You never know which bed she'll fall into because no matter what, hope makes you feel safe." (kindle, loc. 276)

Everlost (Night Watchmen #3) by Candace Knoebel

Happy release day Candace Knoebel, Everlost is finally here!!!! I read it yesterday and oh my gosh it was amazing! My review will be up tomorrow. If you haven't started this series then you seriously need to.

Everlost (Night Watchmen, #3) by Candace Knoebel
Genre: Paranormal Romance...

One truth will unravel them all.

Faye Middleton thought the worst had come to pass the night she and her friends barely escaped from Ethryeal City and the clutches of the evil Priestess Clara. Officially shunned from the Coven, Faye is forced to lay low in order to come up with a plan to bring Clara down.

At Jaxen's childhood manor, they were supposed to be safe from any outside issues, and they were… until his long-lost mother shows up. Determined to win back what she lost so long ago, Evangeline reveals a secret that could shatter their beliefs, or be their saving grace.

Now, with two Covens searching for Faye, they must find a way to start over. With the help of the Rebellion, they begin the arduous task of forming their own army. However, the choices they are faced with leave them questioning everything they've ever known. 

Helpful Links: Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Goodreads

This series would make an excellent Mother's Day Gift! Just saying.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Shattered Moment by Tiffany King {Release Blitz}

Hello Tuesday and hello beautiful new release by Tiffany King... *grabby hands* Congratulations on another release! Make sure you check this out and pick up your copy now!


In the new series by Tiffany King, the USA Today bestselling author of the Woodfalls Girls novels, six friends—fresh from high school graduation—discover that the future can come at you from out of nowhere.

This is Mackenzie’s story…

Mackenzie Wilson once had hope for what life had to offer, but everything changed on the night of her graduation. A year later, the only way she can find comfort is by keeping her head down and hoping she remains unnoticed at college.

When Bentley James discovered Mac in that twisted SUV, he was just a newbie EMT on his first call. It was a gut-wrenching moment that made him realize not everyone can be saved—and sometimes they don’t want to be.

A chance encounter on campus brings Bentley back into Mac’s life. Despite her initial resistance, he sets out to discover the girl hiding beneath a shield of seclusion. He evokes painful memories in Mac—but also feelings. As the spark between them grows, Mac must decide if she can let go of the past and believe in something as fragile as love… 
Helpful Links: Amazon  | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

This one sounds like another heartbreaker! Tiffany King is good at that. Hope you grab this one, I know I'm going to.

Hunting Season by Nikki Jefford {Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway}

Today I am lucky to have one of my all time favorite authors on the blog to celebrate her latest release in the Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter Series. Make sure you stick around for my fun interview and enter the giveaway!

Hunting Season by Nikki Jefford
(Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter #4)
Publication date: March 3rd 2015
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Better to be a hunter, not prey.

Ever since her partner was kidnapped, Aurora Sky has been on a personal mission to get him back. To do that she needs the vampire responsible for destroying her life.

In order to have a snowball’s chance at success, she’ll have to team up with her most loyal friends—including a certain vampire in black with a provoking talent for distraction.

Old cravings aren’t easily quenched, nor past passions. With knowledge comes danger and Aurora is at risk on all sides.

Helpful Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

And now the...

I have a special surprise for you bloggie peeps! Today I get to interview one of my favorite authors…. *screams* I know awesome, right? Right. Who is this awesome author you ask? Why the same author who gave me an enchanting Raj and a very sexy vampire Fane... need another clue? Nikki Jefford! That’s right, we are going supernatural today! My favorite.

Thank you so much for stopping by Nikki, I really appreciate it.

Hi, Danielle! *screams back* I’m always happy for a spot at Consuming Worlds and the high energy introductions I receive here. :D

Let’s get down to it, shall we?
1)      What is your favorite part about being an author? Come on be honest… if you say wearing pj’s all day I won’t hold it against you. ;) Or is that just me?

Ha, ha. No, I actually get dressed. I even put on jewelry and makeup… but I do write in slippers.

Writing is my dream job. I get to spend my time with fictional characters and I only have to answer to myself… and readers. But readers appreciate your work more than most bosses. I work more hours as an author, but I’m my own woman and that kind of independence is one of the best feelings in the world.

2)      If you could live in any of your books which would it be and why?

Enchantment (Spellbound #3). I’d have magical powers (which I’ve always wanted) and live in Paris (a beautiful, vibrant city with great bread and wine). I’d also get to shack up with one of my biggest book crushes. ;-)

3)      I love characters… in fact I sort of have a thing for them. And I really have a thing for your Raj and Fane. (who doesn’t?) Anyways… when I read a book I like to find my favorite character moment. That one moment that sang to me for that character. Of course I often have more than one, but I like to pick one when I can. And that’s exactly what I am going to ask you to do. What would be your favorite character moment from your books? You can name one from every book or just pick one overall moment. Heck you can even have one for multiple characters. That part is up to you.

I’m happy to hear you have a thing for Raj and Fane. I love those two! The character moment that stood out the most for me was when Fane followed Aurora onto the back of the public bus after she’d just been suspended from school for fighting. I still remember writing that scene. Every step, every breath felt like it was really happening. My heart was racing. At the end I was dazed, as though I’d just made out with Fane on that bus. It was one of those moments where the characters take complete control. It was magic.

4) Now for some fast questions…

Nerds or Skittles

Fruity Pebbles or Cap’n Crunch
Cocoa Chomp ;-)

Iron Man or Thor
Iron Man

Matching socks or Unmatched socks

Paperbacks or eReader

5) What is the one genre of book that is your fall back? The one genre that can pull you out of the worst moods?

Historical Romance

6)      What does the future hold for you and your writing? Any other series I can get hooked on?

I’m finishing up Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter this year. After that I have notes for a fantasy series with wolf shifters, wizards, and a great evil threatening their world.

7) If you could only recommend one book, what would it be and why?

First of all, yikes! I better make this count. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. That book had a tremendous impact on me growing up. Anne proved that it doesn’t matter where you come from or what hardships you’ve endured. With determination, spirit and spunk, you can succeed in life, realize your dreams and find true love. Plus she loved reading, writing, and living in the dream world. We’re kindred spirits!

8) If you could reread any book for the first time, which would it be and why?

I wish I could read my own books for the first time. I’d love to experience them the way readers do—not knowing what comes next.

Thanks for stopping by Nikki, as usual it has been a pleasure. One day hopefully this can happen for real. 

About the Author~
Bookaholic, nature girl, and animal lover.

Nikki Jefford is a third generation Alaskan who found paradise in the not-so-tropical San Juan Islands (WA) where she is, once more, neighbors with Canada in a town without a single traffic light.

She married the love of her life, Sebastien, while working as a teaching assistant in France. They reside with their Westie, Cosmo in Friday Harbor.

Loves fictional bad boys and heroines who kick butt.

Find Her: Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Facebook

Book 1: Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter is FREE and available in audiobook

Friday, April 24, 2015

Revenant (The Midnight Society #3) by Logan Patricks {Review}

I have been promoting this book all week, well it is finally out and I have gotten my little fingers on it and devoured it. In fact I finished it last night, so naturally there needs to be a review.

*Received a free copy in exchange for an honest review


With power comes the promise of blood. With friendships comes the promise of betrayal. With love comes the promise of tragedy.

The Midnight Society keeps no promises.

Shadow, the Lord of the Midnight Society--a once powerful and world-ruling organization--is a man with many burdens.

He’s losing a war with the Revenants, whose psychotic leader murdered his parents and was someone he once trusted. His best friend, Lincoln Richards--whose quick wit, charms, and loyalty are outweighed only by his sexual appetite--is a prisoner of the Revenants, and possibly dead. Meanwhile, the whispers of a traitor within his organization has Shadow constantly looking over his shoulder.

Perhaps the only thing going right for him is his mended relationship with Aria Valencia, a beautiful pianist with humble beginnings. Little does he know, she’s hiding a dark secret from him, one that threatens to destroy everything they’ve built together.

In Shadow’s heart, there’s one single thing that can make everything right again: revenge. However, the cost for revenge is high, one that’s paid for with the lives of both his enemies and loved ones.

The war between the Midnight Society and the Revenants comes to a head in this penultimate chapter of the best selling Romance Mystery series, the Midnight Society. 

Helpful Links: Goodreads | Amazon

My Review~

Holy smokes! This book, I don't really know what to say. Shadow, Lincoln, Shadow, Lincoln. Ahhhh! It's too much. Which is why I'm not going to bother recapping this book, because if I did it would look something like this... First, this happened. And, and, and, then Shadow ______________ Ahhh! Then Lincoln, oh man, and Aria... Ah, really my mind can't handle it, hence I will leave the recap to the professional.

I have one perfect phrase to sum up this series so far... "One big mind game."

That's what this is, Logan Patricks playing mind games with all of us. Only we are not the unwilling victim, oh no, we strap ourselves in and beg for more.

And more is what he gives us in Revenant. We don't know who to trust, who to love, who to hate... ok, so we all know who to hate but the rest is still up in the air and in a big way. Nothing is ever as it seems in this crazy world that Logan Patricks created, danger lurks everywhere and you never know who is going to stab you in the back. One thing you know is that it is going to happen. Come on, it's a Logan Patricks book. You can always expect someone to get stabbed in the back.

In the dangerous world that Shadow and Aria live in the question is who do I trust? And it is the question that Shadow asks himself everyday. His entire world has been blown to pieces by the one person he thought would always be there for him. Now he's traveling down the proverbial rabbit hole and he won't be able to claw his way out alone.

Oh Shadow! Big, sensitive, strong, fierce, loyal, loving, caring, Shadow. This man. I love this man more and more with every book. Each time Shadow graces the page more about the dark and brooding man is revealed, and I like what I'm seeing.

Then there's Lincoln. Completely misunderstood, understated and a horn dog! Don't even get me started on him. He's a big bag of chocolate dipped lollipops. I'll leave it at that and let you take that as you will. And finally, finally Logan Patricks gives us some insight into the man that is Lincoln. In Revenant more than Lincoln's butt is bared, Logan Patricks splayed his heart and soul on the page, revealing his deepest truths. These were some of my favorite moments in the book. Lincoln has been one of my favorites since the beginning, so I was more than happy to see more of him.

Then there's Aria... the girl who started it all. The girl who clings to everything she has left like a viper. She's all kinds of awesome and no longer just a pianist. Now she is her own force to be reckoned with.

And together... well sort of they fight to not only stay alive, but to protect the secret society started years ago. But when you are dealing with the biggest, sickest, most twisted villain, staying alive and fighting are a lot harder than it sounds and sometimes it makes you question whether or not any part of you will remain when the dust settles.

Logan Patricks has created one of my all time favorite villains with this series. She brings a whole new meaning to the word villain. She is the master of mind games, she is the joker, the Queen, and the Mad Hatter. I bow down to Logan Patricks and his twisted mind.

Revenant is a non-stop ride. There are so many twists and turns that you won't even know which way you're going. But there are moments where you get to slow down and catch... ok more like lose your breath. Revenant is another excellent installment in The Midnight Society and delivered more than its fair share of shocks and awe's and hit me in the heart strings. Yet again I am left gaping at Logan Patricks ability to twist reality.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Revenant: The Midnight Society Book #3 {Release Blast}

It's here, it's here, it's here... book 3 in the best Romantic Thriller series is finally here!!! Logan Patricks is taking us back to the world of The Midnight Society with his latest release Revenant and I for one can't wait to dive in. Now the wait is over, go on and grab the 3rd installment in what I'm calling the perfect mind game.

With power comes the promise of blood. With friendships comes the promise of betrayal. With love comes the promise of tragedy.

The Midnight Society keeps no promises.

Shadow, the Lord of the Midnight Society--a once powerful and world-ruling organization--is a man with many burdens.

He’s losing a war with the Revenants, whose psychotic leader murdered his parents and was someone he once trusted. His best friend, Lincoln Richards--whose quick wit, charms, and loyalty are outweighed only by his sexual appetite--is a prisoner of the Revenants, and possibly dead. Meanwhile, the whispers of a traitor within his organization has Shadow constantly looking over his shoulder.

Perhaps the only thing going right for him is his mended relationship with Aria Valencia, a beautiful pianist with humble beginnings. Little does he know, she’s hiding a dark secret from him, one that threatens to destroy everything they’ve built together.

In Shadow’s heart, there’s one single thing that can make everything right again: revenge. However, the cost for revenge is high, one that’s paid for with the lives of both his enemies and loved ones.

The war between the Midnight Society and the Revenants comes to a head in this penultimate chapter of the best selling Romance Mystery series, the Midnight Society. 

Helpful Links: Goodreads | Amazon

Now go out and grab yourself a copy. And now I will step away and dive into this book. You won't see me until I'm done. See you on the flip. Here I come Shadow and Aria....

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Midnight Series by Logan Patricks {Promo}

So, one of my favorite series of all time is on sale. I know I say that a lot, but this is seriously my favorite Romance Thriller of all time! And it is on SALE. Yes, on sale. Starting today, April 16th you can get the first two books in The Midnight Series for $0.99!!! Which is awesome! You need this series, trust me on this.

Whoever said money couldn’t buy happiness has never starved a day in their lives.

My name is Aria Valencia, a third year classical music student at the university, and I was down to my last dollar. Some nights, I seriously considered working at the rippers just to make ends meet, but the thought of my dad’s spirit–God rest his soul–scowling at me while I danced up on some drooling degenerate was enough to turn me off the idea completely.

And then one night, chance came knocking on my door under the guise of the Midnight Society, a secret cabal comprised of the most wealthy and influential souls this side of the Universe. Their leader was a man named Shadow, who was equally enigmatic as he was gorgeous and, for some mystifying reason, had his dark brooding eyes focused on me.
  Seduced by the promises of fame and fortune in exchange for a seemingly innocent request, I soon found myself drawn into a provocative world filled with both vast riches and unending lies and it didn’t take long for me to realize what being a part of the Midnight Society actually entailed: shiny things, sensual romance, and dead bodies.
  Falling in love with Shadow came with a terrible price, one that I wasn’t willing to pay. There’s a dark side to every love story, and this one was mine.

Helpful Links: Amazon | Goodreads

In one night, I lost everything: my hopes and dreams, my best friend, and Shadow’s heart. He told me he loved me, but it was just a lie.
  The Midnight Society has fallen, reduced to ashes by a monster; someone whom we all once trusted. The betrayal has shattered our lives forever and Shadow, Lord of the Midnight Society, finds himself at a crossroad.
  One road leads him further down the path of vengeance, filled with unending violence and dead bodies. The other road leads to me. However, our path to happiness is paved with broken glass and razorblades, and at some point, one of us is going to fall.
  Welcome to the world of the Midnight Society.

Helpful Links: Amazon | Goodreads

And coming April 23rd......

With power comes the promise of blood. With friendships comes the promise of betrayal. With love comes the promise of tragedy.
  The Midnight Society keeps no promises.
  Shadow, the Lord of the Midnight Society--a once powerful and world-ruling organization--is a man with many burdens.
   He’s losing a war with the Revenants, whose psychotic leader murdered his parents and was someone he once trusted. His best friend, Lincoln Richards--whose quick wit, charms, and loyalty are outweighed only by his sexual appetite--is a prisoner of the Revenants, and possibly dead. Meanwhile, the whispers of a traitor within his organization has Shadow constantly looking over his shoulder.
  Perhaps the only thing going right for him is his mended relationship with Aria Valencia, a beautiful pianist with humble beginnings. Little does he know, she’s hiding a dark secret from him, one that threatens to destroy everything they’ve built together.
  In Shadow’s heart, there’s one single thing that can make everything right again: revenge. However, the cost for revenge is high, one that’s paid for with the lives of both his enemies and loved ones.
  The war between the Midnight Society and the Revenants comes to a head in this penultimate chapter of the best selling Romance Mystery series, the Midnight Society.

Preorder now: Amazon